Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research, Ain Shams University

2 Faculty of Graduate studies and environmental research , Ain shams university


        Despite the abundance of green waste in Egypt, there is no mechanism to benefit from it, with no environmental and economic return. In addition to the lack of studies that address this topic, the research aimed to evaluate the environmental and economic return of benefiting from the waste generated from Heliopolis district by conducting a financial evaluation of one of the waste recycling projects, especially organic waste, and determining the feasibility of these projects and the safe disposal of this waste. To achieve this goal, the study relied on the descriptive and quantitative analysis methods, relying on the available and available secondary data issued by the Environmental Affairs Agency, and relying on the field study that was conducted on the organic fertilizer and Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF). The results of the field study of the fertilizer production plant in Cairo Governorate - Salam City - the Egyptian Company for Integrated Waste Management (ECOM) showed that the plant extracts organic waste (food leftovers; markets; green garden waste such as the result of mowing green areas and the result of pruning trees and palm trees) to produce organic fertilizer (compost). The plant also produces Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) from the remaining waste that has a calorific value. The study showed the relative and environmental advantage of the project, especially the compost industry, which indicates an increase in the daily cash return from organic fertilizer extracted from the waste of Heliopolis district. The results also showed the economic efficiency and feasibility of the project. The study recommended the necessity of encouraging the role of the private sector under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment by introducing modern technologies to make the most of municipal waste.


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