Document Type : Review Article


1 Institute of Graduate Studies for Children, Ain Shams University

2 Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University


The study aimed at detecting the effects of environmental stress on children in early childhood.
The researcher used the descriptive descriptive approach. The study sample included 50 children and children suffering from autism disorder, but not accompanied by any mental disability or other organic problem. The sample was collected from private centers in Cairo Governorate, as the center of integration Ghamra and the center of integration in the seventh district of Nasr City.
The measure of the effect of environmental pressures on autistic children (the researcher's preparation) and the socio-economic scale of the family (prepared by Abdul Aziz al-Hafs 2013) was used.
In light of the objectives of the present study and its hypotheses, the following statistical methods were used:
The data were extracted through the statistical program known as Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The statistical analysis using the computer through the statistical package software SPSS V.20, and this step -data collection- a preliminary step to tabulate the data, and through it was the following:
Stability test through the Cronbachs Alpha laboratory to test the stability of the study variables. Test the validity of internal consistency through Pearson correlation coefficient between the dimensions of the study and the total scale. Data descriptive statistics by scheduling data in tabular form (mean and standard deviation) of study variables. To establish the correlation relations with the Kendal correlation coefficient to verify the validity of the hypotheses of the study. Simple regression analysis to study the effect of environmental stress on early childhood autistic children. Multiple regression analysis to study the effect of environmental stress on early childhood autistic children.
The study shows the following results: There is no relationship with statistical correlation between the impact of environmental pressures and the economic level on the children of the autistic in early childhood and there is a correlation between the physical pressures and the economic level in favor of males. There is no relationship with the correlation between the statistical impact of environmental pressures and social level on the children of autis m in early childhood. There are no statistical differences between male and female males on the scale of the effect of environmental pressures on children in early childhood. There are no differences of statistical relativity between males and females at the economic level of the early childhood autistic children. There are no statistically significant differences between males and females at the social level of early childhood autistic children.
It is recommended that further studies be conducted on autistic children, especially with regard to the impact of environmental pressures on them, through: Studies on autistic children include the largest number of cases, taking into account differences in age and diversity in economic and social levels in Egypt. Studies on the impact of environmental stress on autistic children, especially in early childhood. Studies of the environmental factors of the autistic children, which have an effect on them.


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