Document Type : Review Article
Department of Engineering Sciences, Institute of Environmental Studies & Research, Ain Shams University
Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University
Department of Economics, The Higher Institute for Computers & Administrative Informatics
The phenomenon of rampant growth of residential communities is a global phenomenon prevalent in most developing countries, 862.6 million people is the number of slum-dwellers are developing regions in the world, and is 60% of the population in Asia, while Africa maintain its two 26.2% and America including Latin America and Caribbean countries 13.1%، and the United Nations estimates for human settlements indicate that by the year 2030 is expected to live more than 50% of the world''s population in slums, which will be launched on our planet the planet of slums as well as that coming decades will witness the growth of urban unprecedented, particularly in developing regions and poor, which will lead to the emergence of a Further aspects of poverty in urban areas, and accompanied by many random areas, the emergence of lacking minimum decent living requirements and all types of services, including adequate housing, and it will be more obvious in the third world where accompanied by urban growth of any economic growth and social or take into account communities environmental dimension can be asserted.
Slum housing is a phenomenon characterized by being spread out all over the Great Cairo region leading to deterioration in the housing environment in general and leaving negative impacts on the social aspects and human behavior that surround the region, in particular, and especially, the agricultural areas in the north, west, and south and even the desert area in the east. This random growth has got negative impacts on other Egyptian cities by transforming the agricultural lands randomly to urban districts and uses, increasing in turn the pressure on water networks, drainage, electricity and other utilities.
This present research counts on the theoretical-analytical method for exposing and analyzing the different approaches of the schema set for each region to resolve the informal housing problem. The research also uses the case study approach, the (applied) part to improve performance.
This research deals with policies and entrances dealing with non-formal housing in Egypt in general and the Greater Cairo region in particular, and evaluation of development experience, which has in the region particularly since the middle of last century trying to successive governments to find solutions to this important issue through the implementation of a number of policies to cope with rampant growth for those areas, and it has become serious since 2014 when committed the Egyptian Constitution, the successive elimination of slums and the citizen''s right to adequate housing and government research deals with assessing schemes during the period since 2000 to now to deal with informal areas and limit their growth, according to the scheme T and policies that have followed and to identify the pros and cons of those entrances and their contribution in solving the problems of informal areas and offer the experience of facility district development Nasser to evaluate the development of real estate and wealth provided and identify the elements of attraction and the elements of the package, which took place in the neighborhood to extract indicators and lessons planned lessons contribute to the formulation of a new planning vision for the development of the entrances to the housing areas of non-formal
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