Document Type : Review Article


1 Post Grad Student, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research, Ain Shams University

2 Graduate School of Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University

3 Faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University

4 Faculty of girls, Ain Shams University


Stuttering is one of the most important topics that are highlighted in topics related to special education, as this interest in this field is due to the negative effects resulting from speech disorders on children, which reduce their integration into the surrounding society, whether in childhood or adulthood, as it is one of the main reasons that lead to child isolation. The results of the current research help in contributing to building counseling programs that contribute to reducing the negative effects of (self-stigma and related variables of emotional balance, environmental behavior, and social intelligence) on stuttering children. And then provide solutions for them to resist and address them.
This study relied on the descriptive analytical approach. Where the detection of psychological and environmental variables (self-stigma, emotional stability) in the study sample of stuttering children, and the comparison between the urban, rural, and random environment of stuttering children. The sample community was identified among the stuttering children in the urban, rural and random environments, whose ages ranged between (9-11) years in the urban, rural and random environments.
The results of the study indicated, first, that the validity of the first hypothesis was verified, as a statistically significant negative correlation was found between the scores of the study sample of stuttering children on the children's self-stigma scale (feeling of rejection from others, stigmatization, feeling of discrimination, social withdrawal, and total score) .
The researcher also made several basic recommendations, including the early detection of stuttering children in the kindergarten stage. He also held seminars in schools on the importance of emotional balance in a child's life. With the work of organizing training and rehabilitation programs for teachers in schools on how to deal with stuttering children in general.


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