Document Type : Original Article
Institute of Environmental studies and Research, Ain Shams University
Central Laboratory for Design and Statistical Analysis, Agriculture Research Center.
Water Studies and Research Complex, National Water Research Center.
The present investigation was carried out at the experimental Farm, Water Studies and Research Complex (WSRC) station, NationalWaterResearchCenter, Toshka,
Where as use of the wheat crop in the study of the integrated management of water and agriculture as well as an assessment of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) within the meteorological data by using computer programs.
where transactions of different irrigation treatments (60,80,100,120%) of crop evapotranspiration (ETC) with the note that was calculated the amounts of calculated based upon the daily (ETo) measured using penman-monteith method with in every day the irrigation process were carried out at 8 am in the morning.
When the comparison between classes (Egypt 1, Egypt 2) varieties in both seasons under the different irrigation treatments was not significant between varieties in all levels as experiments proved that both ( plant height ,spike length ,number of grains/spike, biological weight, grain weight, 1000-grain weight, day of heading, number of spikelet's and straw yield ) did not give significant results between (Egypt1, Egypt2) varieties and give a significant results between all different irrigation treatments (60, 80,100,120%) (ETC) as well as give results in Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP) (hydrogel treatment).
- The height wheat crop productivity to (Egypt1, Egypt2) varieties used (120%) ETC treatment and the highest crop productivity was added the Hydrogel as a (SAP), so this method should be used if there is no problem in irrigation water because it increases productivity.
-The lowest wheat crop productivity to (Egypt1, Egypt2) varieties used (60%) ETC treatment so this method should be applied if we have problem in irrigation to save water.
-The reduction of irrigation water is one of the most important strategies now to face the water scarcity problem accordinary.It can reduce the small proportion of production with reducing irrigation water ratio up to 20-40% from water requirements as ashowed in the experiment to could be a good decision toward saving more water to irrigate more land and achieve the difficult equation which close the gap between production and demand and water scarcity conditions.
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