Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Girls, Ain-Shams University

2 Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University.

3 Dakahlia Directorate of Social Solidarity


The study aims to recognize the variables of the social and physical environment associated with the inconsistent building on the agricultural land, which happening to the Egyptian village, determining the reasons that make the farmer have an inconsistent building on the agricultural land; moreover, the study aims to recognize the effects resulting because of the inconsistent building on the agricultural land. In order to achieve the goals of the study the researchers have organized the study in two chapters: the first deals with the reference and theoretical study of the most previous studies, on the other hand the second one deals with the field procedures and studies and the study of the local society of some villages in Dakahlia  governrate.
In order to achieve the goals, the researcher has divided the society into three sectors: (north, middle and south) so that the sample can be greatly resembling to the society, this study depended on the descriptive and social survey curriculum and the curriculum of the local society study, in addition to that this study has appealed for some tools to get some field information including: (the questionnaire form, the deep encounter/meeting and the study of the local society index). The researcher has appealed for a 153 sample of the ones who have built inconsistently on the agricultural land of 3060 total contradicting with the society of the study(some villages of Dakahlia governrate) representing 5% of the contravener and the number of the villages connecting with the study.
The results of the study:
1)   There is a relation among the social changes(the living independence desire, education standard, income standard, and family standard) the most common on the study field and the inconsistent building on the agricultural  land, resulting in 41.2%  of the people who have less than an acre who have built inconsistently on the agricultural land; moreover, there are some who don't own a land at all representing 32.7% have also built inconsistently on the agricultural land, which means that ownership is not a condition not to stop or the inconsistent building on the agricultural land.
2)   There is no relation between the physical environment changes and the inconsistent building on the agricultural land, despite the increase of the acre production, constructing on the agricultural land is increasing gradually.
3)   There is no statistics including (males, females) in the family and the inconsistent building on the agricultural land.
4)   There is dominance of 73.9% of the nuclear family in the villages of Dakahlia governrate, on the other hand 17.6% of the extended family matching with many previous studies.
5)   There is no statistics including the number of the children (male, female) of the family and the inconsistent building on the agricultural land.
There are no differences of a statistic reference (0.01) between the rural society and the civilized rural one according to the type and the style of the inconsistent building on the agricultural land.
6)   The study recommends that there has to be a serious intervention from the country to find unconventional solutions limiting the inconsistent building on agricultural land, otherwise Egypt is going to suffer from extreme desertification of its agricultural lands that is going to affect badly on the national income throughout the agricultural sector that represents the main income for Egypt as it is considered to be an agricultural country.

Main Subjects