Document Type : Original Article


1 Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University

2 Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University

3 Agricultural Research Center

4 Ministry of higher education


This study drives at monitoring results of recycling of food processing  sector of vegetables and fruits in order to achieve several targets including the estimation of productive indicators of the most important vegetables and fruits crops; estimating as well the economical value of food processing wastes, exposing also the economic outcome of these wastes and defining the obstacles of recycling  and the proposed approaches for developing and utilizing wastes in untraditional methods. It is shown that the orange crop in the period (2001-2014) is annually increasing to be approximately 104685 tons and that the winter-tomato crops are also increasing but statistically insignificant.
Costs of manufacturing a ton of orange and carrot wastes is about 483.4 pounds, and the net revenue of one ton of recycling is 204.6 It is evident that costs of recycling a ton of orange and tomato are about 361, while the net revenue after recycling is about 281.8 pounds. Processing of potato and orange wastes are 431 pounds and the net revenue after recycling is estimated by 251 pounds.. The manufacture of pomegranate peels and tomato is 577.5 pounds and the net revenue is 177.5 pounds.
The processing of potato, tomato, and carrot cost 388 pounds and the net revenue after recycling is about 240 pounds.


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