Document Type : Review Article


1 ) Post Grad. Student, Faculty of Graduate Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University

2 Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University

3 Faculty of Graduate Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University



The study aimed to identify the nature of psychological on affect adults, and to identify the extent of the impact of these pressures on adults of both sexes, the study sample, and to identify the most psychological pressures surrounding adults that contribute to the emergence of psychosomatic disorders in them, and indicated the extent to which these adults are affected by each pattern his character. This study included a description of the study methodology, its community and sample, and the study tool used in collecting data ,A set of tools and measures were used and applied to a sample of (80), (40) high social and economic level, and (40) low social and economic level, between the ages of (23) and (55) years. The study found the following results:

The existence of a relationship between psychological and environmental stresses and personality patterns, the existence of a relationship between psychological and environmental stresses and psychosomatic disorders, the existence of a relationship between personality patterns and psychosomatic disorders, the presence of statistically significant differences between individuals with high and low social and economic level in psychological stress, and the presence of statistically significant differences There are statistically significant differences between individuals with high and low socio-economic level in psychosomatic disorders

The study recommends: Linking promotion opportunities to professional competence, conducting counseling programs aimed at raising the degree of workers, and caring The health and psychological side of the workers by providing work medicine.


Main Subjects